Bahá'í World Centre
The Bahá'í World, 2006-2021
Volume XXXV
Bestell-Nr 6BWC-110
ISBN 978-0-87743-422-1
Auflage 1.
Maße 24,3 x 16,2 cm
Umfang 456 pages
Gewicht 1320 g
Preis 28,00
Lieferstatus Lieferbar  Lieferbar
Covering the period from 2006 to 2021, the 35th volume of The Bahá’í World offers insights into a time of significant development in the worldwide Bahá’í community, as growing numbers of people throughout the world were animated by the vision and teachings of Bahá’u’lláh to serve their fellow human beings and to contribute to spiritual and social progress.

Richly illustrated with photographs, and the inclusion of artwork from around the world, the 455-page volume invites readers to explore emerging patterns of thought and action, evolving approaches to material and spiritual education, and an unfolding administrative system—all rooted in the conviction that humanity is but one family.

The Universal House of Justice stated: “…this new volume presents the growing experience of the Bahá’í community as an example of the potentialities within the human race to overcome conflict and division, to create new patterns of thought and human interaction, and to lay the foundations of a world that embodies the principle of the oneness of humankind.”