Human Rights Watch
"The Boot on My Neck"
Iranian Authorities’ Crime of Persecution Against Baha’is in Iran
In this report, Human Rights Watch analyzes Iranian authorities’ major violations of Bahai's' fundamental rights and found that the cumulative impact of authorities’ decades-long systematic repression is an intentional and severe deprivation of Bahai's' fundamental rights and amounts to the crime against humanity of persecution.
Bestell-Nr 6HRW-001
Auflage April 2024
Maße 27,4 x 21,0 cm
Umfang 52 pages
Gewicht 175 g
Preis 1,00
Lieferstatus Lieferbar  Lieferbar
“The Boot on My Neck”: For the past four decades, Iranian authorities have persistently violated the rights of Bahai's, driven by both senior state officials and the hostile ideology of the Islamic Republic towards the Baha'i faith. This persecution has endured despite fluctuations in intensity, affecting every aspect of Bahai's' lives. In recent times marked by widespread protests for political, economic, and social change, the authorities have intensified their
crackdown on Bahai's, conducting raids, arresting citizens and leaders, and seizing Baha'i property. These actions deliberately strip Baha'is of their fundamental rights, including freedom of religion, political representation, education, employment, property ownership, and dignified burial.